While the verse close ups of John 16:22 and 16:23 can be found here and here.
John 16:24
"Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full." (John 16:24)
Grammatical Considerations
Declaration of time: "Up until now..." Jesus makes it clear that the type of communication He is stressing in these verse has not occurred as of yet!
Declaration of time 2: "...and you will receive (and)...joy may be full." These are things that WILL happen in the future.
Connective word: AND. Cause and affect! Ask in Jesus' name AND we will receive. THAT. We shall ask and receive so THAT our joy will be full. Cause and affect!
These declarations of time are important. Jesus is discussing the change in our relationship with the Father and how that will affect how we ask and pray to the Father. This change had not happened yet but DID once Jesus' rose again after His sacrifice on the cross. (The "day" that Jesus refers to in John 16:23)
Important terms
All definitions were culled from the Complete Word Study Dictionary from AMG Publishers and/or
Mounce's Complete Expository Dictionary.
asked and ask: see notes to John 16:23
name (in my name): see notes to John 16:23
- ESword concordance search---Mat 5:7 Mat 21:22 Mar 6:11 John 3:27 John 7:39 Rom 5:17 James 1:12 James 4:3 1John 5:14
- Definition---to take in whatever manner, to accept
joy: see notes to John 16:22
It is important to reiterate that joy is used in connotation with a relationship with God! That is what
will be made full! That is our true joy. Joy and pleasure are set
apart in the Bible. Pleasure is a self-centered pursuit. When we are
in our joy (full and growing relationship with God!) we also tend to ask
more of the right things because we are trying to live and do what God
wants us to do. (James 4:3) When we are not living in our joy (relationship with
God) then we are often asking for things of pleasure---in other words,
following our own will and desires. It is best to be in our JOY with
God! And this only comes from acceptance, acknowledgment and love of
and for His Son, Jesus Christ!
- Definition---to be made full (often to fill an hollow vessel-such as us before we come too accept Jesus as our savior!) Or to be fulfilled.
Other cross-references
Mat 7:7-8 Eph 1:16-17 Jas 4:1-10 John 15:11 1John 1:3-4 2John 1:12 Psalms 81:10
Up until now the apostles had not asked anything of the Lord in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ. Only now at the time of his sacrifice and resurrection had Jesus come into His glory. Only now had He become our intercessor. Only NOW can we be made FULL by asking and praying in the name of Jesus Christ. For only now (once we accept Jesus as our Savior and Lord) are we in right relationship with God so as to approach and ask.
“Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by
permission. All rights reserved."