We continue our look at Paul's discussion of sexual immorality and our body in
1Co 6:12-20 with an in-depth look at 1Co 6:18-20
The overview of the entire section can be found
The in-depth look at the verses
1Co 6:12-13 can be found
The in-depth look at the verses 1Co 6:14-17 can be found
You can hover your pointer over (most) any verse reference to read the
corresponding verse(s). (Scriptural cross-references are THE most
important resource!)
1 Corinthians 6:18-20 (NASB)
18 Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body.
19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?
20 For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.
Grammatical Considerations
- 1Co 6:18 -- Run=A strong verb that is in the PRESENT tense.
"On the Contrary"=Paul is making sure we understand the contrast
between sexual sin and all other sins.
- 1Co 6:19 -- is, have etc.=all present tense! Our bodies are CURRENTLY a sanctuary of the
Holy Spirit who is CURRENTLY in us!
- 1Co 6:20 -- "were bought"=past tense, meaning that
this has been accomplished already once and for all. Jesus purchased our salvation with His
sacrifice and resurrection.
Other Considerations
- Paul's conclusion that we are not our own and we are to
glorify God in our own bodies is pretty strong but ties it all together. Our bodies are to be used in service to
My Questions
- Why is Paul making such a heavy contrast between sexual sin and
all other sins?
- How exactly do we glorify God in our bodies?
Verse Cross References
- 1Co 6:18 -- James 4:7 1Co 10:8 1Co 6:9-10 2Co 12:21 Eph 5:3
Col 3:5 Heb 13:4 Pr 2:16-19 Pr 5:3-15 Pr 9:16-18 Ro 6:12-13 2Ti 2:22 1Pe 2:11
Ro 1:24 1Th 4:3-5 Gal 5:16-21 Pro 6:25
Eph 5:5-6 Jude 1:7
- Thoughts -- Run! We
are able to run and resist temptation but we need to ask for help. The cross-references from Proverbs are
written from the perspective of a man straying and the woman being the
temptress but lets face it, it could easily be the other way around! All of us are to resist sexual sin! This is not a male/female issue, it is universal.
- 1Co 6:19 -- Ro
8:9 Ro 8:23 1Co 7:35-40 James 4:5 1Jn 4:4 1Co 3:16 2Co 6:16 Ro 14:7-9 Eph 2:21-22 1Pe 2:5 Ps 100:3 2Co 5:15 Titus
2:14 Isa 63:11 Ro 8:11 1Jn 2:27 Jn 14:7 Jn 14:23 Lk 11:13 Jn 20:22 Jn
- Thoughts -- Jesus has made it pretty clear that the Holy
Spirit IS in us! Jn 14:23 This is essential to Paul's argument! Our body is not our own! God has place the Holy Spirit within us. Our body IS a sanctuary for the Holy
Spirit. We SHOULD treat it as such!
- 1Co 6:20 -- 1Co 7:23 1Pe 1:18 Rev 5:9 Ro 12:1 Php 1:20 Gal
3:13 Heb 9:12 1Co 10:31 Mt 5:16 Ro 6:19-22 1Pe 2:9 Ro 5:8-11 Isa 44:21-23
- Thoughts -- Pretty self explanatory!
Important Terms
Run (or flee!) (G5343):
- WORDSearch concordance search -- Mt 2:13 Mt 3:7 Mt 8:33 Mt
10:23 Mt 26:56 Mk 13:14 Lk 8:34 Jn 10:5 Jn 10:12 Ac 7:29 1Co 10:14 2Ti 2:22
James 4:7 Rev 12:6
- Thoughts -- In almost every instance this Greek word is
indicating escaping from something or someone or fleeing! Running away from danger.
- Definition -- to run or move hastily from danger because of
fear. To avoid something earnestly!
sexual immorality:
- WORDSearch concordance search -- Mt 5:32 Mt 19:9 Jn 8:41 Ac
15:20 Ac 21:25 1Co 5:1 1Co 7:2 2Co 12:21 Gal 5:19 Eph 5:3 Col 3:5 1Th 4:3 Jude
1:7-8 REv 2:14 Rev 2:20-21 Rev 9:21 Rev 14:8 Rev 17:2 Rev 19:2
- Thoughts -- Paul is pretty clear that sexual immorality is
NOT to be tolerated.
- Definition -- any sexual sin. Fornication as a sexual vice!
(can symbolically stand for idolatry) "illicit sexual intercourse"
(this is the heart of the matter! Knowing and understanding (and obeying) where
and when God intended sexual relations is paramount to understanding this term
and these verses!)
sin (G265 in 1Co 6:18 ):
- Definition -- Disobedience to divine law
sins (G264 in 1Co 6:18 ):
- Definition -- to err, to go wrong. one who keeps missing the
mark in his or her relationship to God!
- WORDSearch concordance search -- Mt 23:26 !!
- Thoughts -- A word that is not used much! (the Greek word that is)
- Yet there is something to Mt 23:26 that means something
here! Jesus often tells the Pharisees
(and us!) to clean from the inside. Only
then can our outside be made clean. Lk
6:45 Mt 15:10-20 Specifically Mt 15:18-20
and even James 1:13-15
- So Paul seems to be elaborating on Jesus' statements in Mt
23:26 and Mt 15:18-20 The cleansing
process starts from within. We can make
ourselves appear nice and we can "act" a part but if our inside is
still veering towards sin, well then we are not listening to the Holy Spirit! That is why Paul is stressing the need to
stay away from sexual sins! They rot us
from the inside out! They are an attack
on our body and our inner being. They
can (if we let them) become our master!
And as Jesus said in Mt 6:24 no one can be the slave of two masters. And yes Jesus was speaking of money in that
instance but the main thought is the same!
If we let sexual sin control us (and lets face it, it is probably the
strongest drive in our fleshly bodies...it is hard to combat on the best of
days!) then we are a slave to it! We are
to follow Jesus! He is our master! A lot of this is becoming clearer now!
- Definition -- not pertaining to the body, or "not
sexually immoral (G4203):
- WORDSearch concordance search -- 1Co 10:8 Rev 2:14 Rev 2:20
Rev 18:3 REv 18:9
- Definition -- to commit fornication (illicit sex)
- WORDSearch concordance search -- Ex 15:17 Ex 25:8 (and all
the verses in Exodus describing EXACTLY how the sanctuary was to be
built). Lev 26:2 Ps 63:2 Eze 37:26-27 Mt
27:40 1Co 3:16-17 Jn 2:19-21 2Co 6:16 Eph 2:21 Rev 21:22
- Thoughts -- Eze 37:26-27 is enlightening especially with Jn
2:19-21 And when we consider all the
VERY specific instructions God gave the Israelites regarding the building of
His sanctuary, we realize Paul did not choose this word lightly. A sanctuary IS a holy place. In most instances in the Bible it is a place
where God will dwell! Thus driving home
the point that we should not sin against our own bodies (which is what sexual
sin is!), as our bodies are now a place for the Holy Spirit of God!
- Definition -- the innermost part of a temple or shrine.
- WORDSearch concordance search -- Ezr 7:27 Ps 63:3 Ps 117:1
Isa 61:3 Lk 3:13 Lk 23:47 Jn 12:28 Jn 12:28 Jn 13:32 Jn 17:1 Jn 21:19 Ro 1:21
Ro 15:6 Ro 15:9 1Pe 2:12 1Pe 4:16 Rev 15:4 Mt 9:8 Mk 2:12 Lk 2:20 Lk 18:43 Jn 14:13 Jn 15:8 1Pe
- Thoughts -- Glorify!
To give immeasurable praise? To
exalt? To hold at the highest esteem?
- Definition -- to ascribe glory or honor to someone. To praise.
Spoken of God and Christ: meaning
to render conspicuous and glorious the divine character and attributes.
Factual information from Study Helps
Bible Background Commentary:
- 1Co 6:19 -- The Dead Sea Scrolls portrayed God's people as a
building (the temple). Thus the image
was probably widely enough known that Paul's readers would understand it
- 1Co 6:20 -- The word "bought" refers to redemption
from slaver (to sin -- 1Co 7:23 )
Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary:
- Immorality -- reaffirms that Paul is referring to sex outside
of marriage. (can also figuratively
refer to idolatry and/or unfaithfulness to God)
- Redemption -- (although not specifically mentioned in these
verses, Paul's use of the phrase, "bought with a price" in 1Co 6:20
is speaking of redemption) Redemption is to pay a price in order to secure the
release of something or someone. The
notion of redemption from sin is implicitly implied in the Old Testament. The system of sacrifice set up in the
Pentateuch is and was a constant reminder that a price must be paid in order
for redemption form sins. Jesus' death
on the cross was the ransom that needed to be paid for our sins!! Only through His death and resurrection are
we freed from our sins. That is the
price that Paul is referring to!
- Glory (glorify) -- Divine glory means that humans do not
seek glory for themselves! We want our
actions ( or we should anyway) to glorify God!
He should receive the praise and thanks for anything that we are able to
do, accomplish or receive!! Mat 6:2 Jon
Answering My Questions
- Why is Paul making such a heavy contrast between sexual sin
and all other sins? -- I think my thoughts after looking at the word
"outside" help to answer this question: So Paul seems to be elaborating on Jesus'
statements in Mt 23:26 and Mt 15:18-20 The cleansing process starts from
within. We can make ourselves appear nice and we can "act" a part but
if our inside is still veering towards sin, well then we are not listening to
the Holy Spirit! That is why Paul is stressing the need to stay away from
sexual sins! They rot us from the inside out! They are an attack on our body
and our inner being. They can (if we let them) become our master! And as Jesus
said in Mt 6:24 no one can be slave of two masters. And yes Jesus was speaking
of money in that instance but the main thought is the same! If we let sexual
sin control us (and lets face it, it is probably the strongest drive in our
fleshly bodies...it is hard to combat on the best of days!) then we are slave
to it! We are to follow Jesus! He is our master! AND, Paul is stressing the importance of
staying from sexual sin because of the answer to my next question--------------
- How exactly do we glorify God in our bodies? -- We are not
to seek glory for ourselves as all that we do and receive is from God! We are to seek to glorify God with everything
we do! (in very simple terms: to give
God ALL the credit and praise!) SO! If we are to glorify God in everything we do,
we MUST then include how we treat our bodies!
We are to treat them well. We are
to treat them as a holy sanctuary! This
does not mean abstaining from sex! It
does mean placing (AND ENJOYING) sex in the proper place and time that God
intended it for: Marriage! The sexual drive is a strong one. It can easily become our master if we let
it! Therefore, if we want
God to receive all the praise and credit and glory for what we do, (and we should!), that would
include how are bodies are used and perceived!
We want our body to be clean (in so many ways) but as Jesus states in Mt
23:26 and Mat 15:18-20 we need to start with the inside.
- Our bodies are not ours.
They were bought at a price (Jesus' sacrifice on the cross) and now the
Holy Spirit resides in us. Sexual
immorality is a sin directly against our own bodies. And when we sin against our own bodies we sin
against the sanctuary of the Holy Spirit.
We must run from sexual sin! We
must treat our bodies as God wants us to treat them so that He then can receive
all the glory and praise for the cleanliness and positive activity of our
AMG Concise Bible Commentary:
- Adds: "Whatever
is not fitting in God's temple is not fitting in the body of the believer!
The Wycliffe Bible Commentary:
- Adds: That since the
Spirit is already in us, it is rather incongruous for believers to pray for the
coming of the Spirit! (this involves
some thought but I think there is something here...!!!)
Hodges' commentary on 1 Corinthians:
- Reminds us that 1Co 6:18 does not teach that sexual
immorality is GREATER than any other sin but it does tell us that sexual sin is
altogether UNIQUE in its effects moral and spiritual effects on our
bodies. Hodges puts it this way: "(sexual sin)...is a sin against the
body itself, because it is incompatible with the purpose of its
- Also reminds us that there are two principles that characterize a temple: 1) It is a scared place where God lives, and
it cannot therefore be defiled or profaned with impunity and 2) The temple is not OWNED by man but by God! WOW!
That makes Paul's points even clearer!!
Topics for further study
- Redemption (or how Jesus
purchased our salvation)
- Our bodies as a sanctuary (or being indwelt by the Holy
- Fleeing sin (and/or temptation!)
- The Holy Spirit
- Being released from sin
In our next post we will look at application with regards to 1Co 6:12-20
- Brand, Chad, Charles Draper, Archie England, ed. Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers, 2003. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Fleming, Don. Concise Bible Commentary. Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1994. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- God's Word: Today's Bible Translation That Means What It Says Holiday, FL: Green Key Books, n.d.. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- God's Word Application Index. Holiday, FL: Green Key Books, n.d.. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Hanke, Howard A. The Thompson Chain Reference Bible Companion. Indianapolis, IN: B. B. Kirkbride Bible Co., 1997. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Hodge, Charles. A Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians. New York: R. Carter & Bros, 1857. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- – Holman Christian Standard Bible Nashville: Holman Bible, 1999. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- – Holman Christian Standard Bible Nashville: Holman Bible, 1999. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Keener, Craig S. The IVP Bible Background Commentary – New Testament. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1993. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Holy Bible, New American Standard. La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Nave, Orville. Nave's Topical Bible: A Digest of The Holy Sciptures. New York: Topical Bible Publishing Co., 1896. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Holy Bible, New American Standard La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- The Holy Bible: New King James Version Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1988. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Pfeiffer, Charles F. and Everett F. Harrison, ed. The Wycliffe Bible Commentary. Chicago: Moody Bible Institute, 1990. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Thompson, Frank Charles. Thompson Chain Reference Bible. Indianapolis, IN: B. B. Kirkbride Bible Co., 1997. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Thompson, Frank Charles. Thompson Chain Reference Bible. Indianapolis, IN: B. B. Kirkbride Bible Co., 1997. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Torrey, R. A. The New Topical Textbook. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1897. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Vine, William E. Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old Testament and New Testament Words. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1940. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Zodhiates, Spiros, ed. – The Complete Word Study New Testament Chattanooga, TN: AMG, 1991. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Zodhiates, Spiros. The Complete Word Study Dictionary – New Testament. Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1993. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Zodhiates, Spiros, ed. – The Complete Word Study New Testament. Chattanooga, TN: AMG, 1991. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.