Friday, February 24, 2012

Psalm 1, Todays verses Psalm 1:1-2

Today we begin our verse by verse look into Psalm 1.  You can find the initial overview and observations to Psalm 1, at this link.

For any person who does not have easy access to Bible software you can look up all cross references listed in this blog at the Bible Gateway website.    It is easy and quick to use and you can choose from many different translations.  The cross references are a big part of any Bible Study that we may undertake!

 Psalm 1:1

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; 
 (Psalms 1:1 ESV)
Psa_1:1-2  are the introductory thought of this entire poem. 

  • The main characters are "the blessed man" (human) and God.  The blessed man keeps company with God's Word day and night (an expression of time indicating ALWAYS)  and thus keeps company with God.  The blessed man does not align himself with sinners, scoffers or the wicked.  This verse sets up the contrast between the wicked and the blessed man.  Another interesting observation:  The use of walk, stand and sit!  Very descriptive.  In no way or form does the blessed man follow the paths or ideas of the unrighteous!

My questions: 

  • How is blessed used?  As it is in the beatitudes?  
  • Why walk, stand and sit?


  • Blessed is a person's state of bliss because a superior (in this case, God Himself!)  Has bestowed favor upon that person.  And yes this seems very related to the Greek word blessed as used in the Beatitudes.
  • Walk, stand and sit are used to highlight that the blessed man should not and will not follow the ways of the wicked.   Each word is descriptive and relevant to the words immediately following it.  IE: the seat... of the scoffers................. sit=to dwell, or inhabit, seat=dwelling or abiding in a given location, scoffers=those who mock.
Verse Considerations
  • Things emphasized:  The relationship of the blessed man to God's law (Word).  In no uncertain terms (sit, stand, walk) is the blessed man to congregate with the sinners. 
  • Grammatical considerations:  IS!!  Blessed is!  Meaning now, constantly.  the blessed man's delight IS the law of the Lord.

Important Terms


  • ESword Concordance Search ---  Psa 2:12  Psa 32:1  Psa 32:2  Psa 33:12  Psa 34:8  Psa 40:4   Psa 41:1  Psa 94:12  Pro 8:34  Deu 33:29  Isa 30:18  Isa 56:1-2  Dan 12:12  Psa 89:15  Psa 84:5  Psa 119:1-2    
  • Definition----  A masculine noun meaning a person's state of bliss.  The particular Hebrew word used here is always used to refer to people and is never used to refer to God, Himself.  Usually poetic and exclamatory!  Vine exposits this to mean a state of prosperity or happiness (bliss might be a better English word) that comes when a superior bestows his favor on one.  (In most passages the bestowing the favor is God, Himself unto a human or nation).

Walk in:

  • ESword Concordance Search --- Exo 16:4  Exo 18:20  Lev 18:3  Lev 26:3  Psa 26:11  Psa 56:13  Psa 78:10  Psa 81:13    Psa 119:3   Pro 2:20  Isa 2:5  Isa 8:11  Isa 30:21   Deu 28:9  Jer 6:16       Col 2:6  1Th 2:12   1Jn 1:7  1Jn 2:6
  • Definition-----A verb meaning to go or come or to walk.  Often used metaphorically (as it is here) to speak of pathways of behavior!


  • ESword Concordance Search --  Deu 32:28   Jdg 20:7  2Sa 15:31  1Ki 12:8  2Ch 10:8   Job 12:13  Job 21:16  Job 38:2  Psa 20:4  Psa 33:10  Psa 33:11   Psa 107:11  Pro 1:25  Pro 19:21 Isa 11:2   Isa 28:29  Jer 32:17-19 
  • Definition----    advice or a plan!  Sometimes suggest a plot.  Often used as a possession of God and the promised Messiah.

  • Definition -- guilty or in the wrong.  Enemies of God and His people.   Wicked are those who do not learn righteousness but instead pursue their wicked ways among the righteous.  Isa_26:10  Isa_11:4 
  • A legal term!  People still living in sin and intent on continuing in this manner.

Stand in:

  • ESword Concordance Search --- Job 8:15  Psa 10:1  Psa 135:2  Pro 25:6  Deu 29:15  Jos 7:13  Joh 8:44  1Co 16:13  Eph 6:13  1Th 3:8   Jud 1:24 
  • Definition------ to rise up, to take one's stand.  taking a position. be immovable..(sometimes to serve)


  • ESword Concordance Search -- Gen 3:24  Gen 6:12  Gen 18:19  Exo 18:20  Exo 23:20  Jos 1:8  Psa 1:6  Psa 32:8  Psa 119:14  Psa 119:27  Psa 119:32-33  Pro 4:14  Isa 8:8-12   Jer 6:16-17    Mat 7:13-14  Joh 14:16 
  • Definition----  path, journey...path that is traveled  physically but more often it is metaphorically to refer to the pathways of one's life.


  • Definition -- used to describe those who, by their actions, are under the wrath and judgment of God!   Their influence is to be avoided.  Pro_1:10 

Sit in:

  • definition--- to dwell, inhabit, endure or "to stay". 


  • ESword Concordance Search----  1Sa 20:18  1Sa 20:25  Job 29:7  Psa 107:32  Eze 8:3  Eze 28:2
  • Definition----a seat, habitation, dwelling.   Remaining or abiding in a given location.  Signifies a place to be seated.


  • ESword Concordance Search----- Job 16:20  Pro 1:22  Pro 3:34  Pro 19:29  Isa 28:22  Hos 7:5  Pro 3:34 
  • Definition---deride, make a mockery, mock.  Or to boast so as to express utter contempt. 

Other relevant cross references:

  • Rev 22:14  Psa 146:5  Jer 17:7  Mat 5:3-10  Luk 11:28  Psa 119:115  Psa 26:4-5  Joh 13:17       Pro 13:20  Eph 6:13  Pro 19:29  Psa 119:9  Eph 5:11  2Co 6:17  1Co 5:9  Pro 9:9 Heb 9:8 


  • Lays out the first part of the description of the person (man) who is blessed (having favor bestowed upon them by God!).  This person DOES not in anyway keep company with the sinners, wicked or scoffers.  This person will NOT follow the wicked person's advice or behaviors, will NOT follow the path or way of the sinners and will NOT make a permanent habitat at the place of those who mock or boast with contempt!!

Psalm 1:2

but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.  
(Psalms 1:2 ESV)

My question: 

  • What does the Psalmist mean by meditate?  How encompassing of a word is that?  Does the blessed man study, read, or contemplate the law of God?  Or does the blessed man do all three and more concerning the law of God!


  • Meditate=ponder (and or mutter)  it is encompassing in that the blessed man does it day and night.  To ponder something could be to study it, read it, think about and finally one must live it (or speak it as the word also means to mutter)
Verse Considerations
  • Things emphasized:  The relationship of the blessed man to God's law (Word).
  • Grammatical considerations:  again the word IS.  The blessed man's delight IS in the law of the LORD.  This infers continual action.  Always delighting in the law of the LORD.    Day and Night!  Again, always, continual action.  The blessed man is always delighting in and always meditating on the law of the LORD.
Important Terms

Delight in:

  • ESword Concordance Search--- 1Sa 15:22   Job 22:26  Psa 16:3   Psa 119:35  Psa 119:47          Isa 58:2  Isa 58:13-14 
  • Definition---  pleasure, desire.  To incline toward something.   (the root means "to bend"...)


  • ESword Concordance Search----  Exo 12:49  Exo 13:9 Exo 24:12  Lev 6:9  Lev 6:14  Lev 6:25
  • (MANY other occurrences in Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy as God is plainly setting down the law to Moses and the Jewish nation.) 
  •  As an aside, even though it is tedious, it is very important for us to read this law as it IS the standard by which God expects us to live and it IS the standard which only Jesus was able to fulfill!!)
  • Jos 1:7-8  Jos 8:31-32  Neh 8:8  Neh 8:14  Neh 8:18  Neh 9:3  Psa 19:7  Psa 37:31  Psa 40:8     Psa 94:12  Psa 119:1  (The entirety of Psalm 119 should be read, studied and meditated on with regards to delighting in God's law!)  
  • Pro 28:7-8  Pro 29:18  Isa 2:3  Isa 42:21-24  Isa 51:7  Dan 9:13  Mal 4:4  
  • And of course Paul's letter to the Romans is required reading with regards to Mosaic law and Christianity.
  • Definition----  instruction, direction or Law.  The noun comes from the the Hebrew verb yarah which means to to teach and to instruct.  Often uses to refer to the entire law of Moses and or the Law of the Lord.     According to Vine's, this word in wisdom literature (as Psalms is considered), primarily signifies teaching, direction and instruction.

Meditate(s) (on):

  • ESword Concordance Search---   Jos 1:8  Psa 63:6  Psa 77:12  Psa 143:5  Isa 33:18 
  • Definition----  to growl, groan, mutter, speak.  When used figuratively:  to meditate or to ponder.  Found only 25 times in the OT.  Possibly reflects the sighing and low sounds one may make while least as the ancients practiced it.

Day and Night:

  • ESword Concordance Search----  Gen 8:22  Exo 13:21  Lev 8:35  Deu 28:65-68  Jos 1:8          1Sa 19:24  1Sa 25:16  1Ki 8:59  Neh 4:22  Psa 74:16  Isa 27:3  Rev 14:11 

Other cross references:
  • Luk 18:7  Psa 37:4   Psa 112:1  Mat 5:18  Rom 7:12  Psa 119:142  1Jn 3:24  Rev 22:14  1Jn 5:3  Jas 1:25 


  • Continues the description  of the blessed man as compared to the wicked or sinners from Psa_1:1.
  • Psa_1:1  described what the blessed man would not do while Psa_1:2  describes what the blessed man does do.  He or she delights (takes pleasure in...inclines toward) in the law (commands..INSTRUCTION, direction and teaching) of  the Lord!  The blessed man will meditate (consider, ponder...mutter?) the Lord's law (instruction) DAY and   at all times!!
  • Psa_1:1-2  are the cause (description) of the blessed man's characteristics.  In Psa_1:3-4 we will see the effect of choosing to follow the Lord's law or to make one's place with the sinners!!

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