We will look a little deeper into Exodus 19:3-6.
Exodus 19:3-6 (NASB)
3 Moses went up to God, and the LORD called to him from the mountain, saying, "Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob and tell the sons of Israel:
4 'You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles' wings, and brought you to Myself.
5 ~'Now then, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be My own possession among all the peoples, for all the earth is Mine;
6 and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These are the words that you shall speak to the sons of Israel."
Grammatical and Other Considerations and Observations:
- The Lord called to Moses once again to be an intermediary.
- This was Moses first ascension up to the Mountain! (check on this)
- God states as fact that the Israelites have seen how He saved them and brought them to Himself.
- Now Then! God is about set forth conditions!
- if you will indeed: this is the condition or the Israelites part of the covenant: to obey God's voice and keep His covenant.
- obey My voice: important in that what the Israelites are about to hear is God's actual voice. This will not be Moses speaking the words God told him to speak. The Ten Commandments were spoken to the Israelites directly by God!
- then you shall: statement of God's part of the covenant
- My own possession: This is an honor for the Israelites! God wants them to be His people.
- all the earth is Mine: A true and powerful statement. God is letting there be no doubt that He is the one true God!
- These are the words: God wants Moses to speak these very words to the Israelites!
- Why did God NOT speak to the Israelites directly before this?
- Why did God stress that He brought the Israelites to Himself?
- Why did God NOW want to speak the Israelites directly?
- Ex 19:3 -- Exodus 3:4 Acts 7:38 Ex 20:21 Ex 34:2 De 4:14 Deu 5:5-31
- Thoughts: Moses was chosen by God to be intermediary and Moses was chosen by God to have a special relationship with God! This is a blessing but at times it was also a huge responsibility (maybe even a burden?. Moses was a man. A special man but a man nonetheless. But what an honor to be chosen by God for this type of relationship.
- Ex 19:4 -- De 29:2 Isa 63:9 De 32:11-12 Rev 12:14 Ex 7:1 De 4:9 De 4:33-36 Isa 40:31
- Thoughts: The wings of an Eagle are often a metaphor for God's protection. God is reminding the Israelites what they have witnessed up to this point. It is amazing how quickly we can forget what God has done for us. Myself! They are God's people, His possession! ( ex 19:5 ) And this is an honor!
- Ex 19:5 -- Exodus 15:26 De 5:2 De 7:6 De 14:2 De 26:18 Psa 135:4 Titus 2:14 Psa 78:10 1Pe 2:9 De 10:14 Job 41:11 Psa 50:12 1Co 10:26 Ex 23:22 Ex 24:7 De 11:26-27 De 28:1 Jos 24:24 1Sa 15:22 Isa 1:19 Jer 7:23 Jer 11:4-7 Heb 11:8 Psa 25:10 Psa 103:17-18 Isa 56:4-8 Jer 31:31-33 De 32:9 1Ki 8:53 Isa 43:1 Jer 10:16 Mal 3:17 De 10:14 Psa 50:11 Da 4:35
- Thoughts: This verse is HUGE! Key themes; Obedience! over and over again God stresses obedience! God's chosen people: God chose the Israelites to be His people (possession, a holy people because He is holy): They are His people! We the gentiles have been allowed to be part of the new covenant! But the Israelites are the chosen. The earth and all in it are God's! Job 41:11
- Ex 19:6 -- De 26:19 Isa 62:12 1Pe 2:5 Rev 1:6 Rev 5:10 De 7:6 De 26:19 De 33:2-4 Isa 61:6 Ro 12:1 Rev 20:6 Lev 11:44 Lev 11:45 Lev 19:2 Lev 20:24 Lev 20:26 Lev 21:8 De 28:9 1Co 3:17 1Pe 1:15-16
- Thoughts: Expands upon the topic of God's chosen people. Because they have been chosen to be God's people they are now holy BECAUSE God is holy!Again this is an unbelievable honor that DOES come with responsibilities. If they are holy because God has chosen them and He is holy; they should now act holy. Paul tells us gentiles the same thing. We have been given the gift of the new covenant ( Isa 56:4-8 Jer 31:31-33 ) And because of this we are now holy: 1Co 3:17
Important terms:
- WORDsearch concordance search -- Ge 3:9 Ge 21:17 Ge 22:11 Ge 31:11 ex 3:4 Ex 19:20 Lev 1:1 1Sa 3:4 Mt 15:10 Mt 15:32 Mt 20:25 Mark 8:1 Luke 18:16
- Thoughts -- To be called by God is something special! God only spoke directly to a few people in the Old Testament! Jesus, who IS God, spoke directly to more people. Crowds even. And instead of having just one person (Abraham, Noah, Moses etc.) as His messenger, Jesus now used many! It is as the Scriptures say: Isa 56:3-8 Jer 31:34 Isa 60:3 God had planned all along to bring many people into His kingdom! But the fact that God is now communicating with more people through His son Jesus Christ and through the generous availability of His Word does not in anyway shape or form lessen what an honor is to be called by the Lord!
- Definition -- to call, or summon, or even invite!
- WORDsearch concordance search -- Ge 2:16 Ge 8:15 Ge 17:3 Ex 20:1
- Thoughts -- God calls and then he speaks!!
- Definition -- to say, almost always followed by a quotation
- It is interesting that this word is usually used in relation to giving birth. The Greek word (as will be seen below) has a lot of meanings but it is an interesting use of the word bore. Some translations say carry! (which is what is alluded to here with the imagery of the eagle's wings) (also interesting is that this is the same Hebrew word translated as take in ex 20:7 )
- Definition -- to lift, to carry or take away. can also mean the substitionary bearing of someone else's guilt! Probably not here but it is interesting.
- will be considered under the topic of obedience.
- Definition --to hear, to obey, to listen
- WORDsearc concordance search -- Nu 14:22 Jos 22:2 Jdg 2:20 Jer 22:21 John 10:16 John 10:27 John 18:37 Rev 3:20
- Thoughts -- in the above cross references it seems that God uses the term "My voice" when He wants us to heed His voice or in reference to people heeding or NOT heeding His voice. ie: His commands.
- Definition -- voice or sound. Also refers to the content; what is actually conveyed. Can also in special cases mean a divine sign and this might be true hear since God was speaking directly to the Israelites for a reason!
- Definition -- a fairly uncommon word used to describe a unique possession. Treasured possession. Is only used about 7 times in the Old Testament
Factual information from study helps:
- The Holman Bible Dictionary states that the disciples need the reassurance of the transfiguration as they contemplated Jesus' death (and resurrection) and their future sufferings. I think this concept of reassurance is a big part of why God spoke to Israelites at this time! Even though they really couldn't handle it ( ex 20:18-21 ) they still needed it. God knew this! Just as the disciples couldn't completely handle the transfiguration and the presence of God in the cloud but they needed it!
Answering My Questions:
- Why did God NOT speak to the Israelites directly before this? -- Because He knew they really couldn't handle it (even Moses never looked at God directly!) and He also wanted to prepare them and to give them time to prepare themselves ( ex 19:10-11 ) (This question will be answered in even more detail as we continue to explore the Ten Commandments)
- Why did God stress that He brought the Israelites to Himself? -- Because He is about to make a covenant with them (?) He wants them to know that they are a people set apart! They are a special unique possession of God. That is huge!
- Why did God NOW want to speak the Israelites directly? -- To let them know that Moses was indeed God's chosen intermediary. And to reassure them that He was indeed still with them. He had NOT led them out of Egypt and then abandoned them! No! He was still there and was about to enter into a covenant with them.
- God is telling Moses what to tell the Israelites in preparations for God speaking directly to them! God wants them to remember that He and He alone rescued them from Egypt! He is going to offer them a covenant. And if they obey, they will be a holy nation, His own possession, chosen from among all the peoples!
Topics for further study:
- Moses -- Acts 7:20 Ex 3:2-6 Isreal complaining against Moses -- Ex 16:2-3 Ex 17:2-3 Moses relationship with God -- Ex 33:11
- Obedience -- Ex 23:21 Lev 19:37 Deu 10:12-13 1Sam 15:22 Pro 21:3 De 4:30 Ge 6:22 Heb 11:6-8 Ge 22:18 Lu 1:38 Mat 7:24-25 John 13:17 1John 2:3-4 De 13:4 Eccl 12:13 De 28:14 Gen 7:5 Joshua 1:8 Joshua 22:5 Mat 5:19 There are so many references to obedience! It is basically what God wants first and foremost. Obedience covers it all! If we are obedient we will honor God correctly. If we are obedient we will believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. If we are obedient we will love on another! And so much more.
- First (old) Covenant
- Mount Sinai
- God's people (or chosen people)
- God's sovereignty
- Holiness
- Nation of Israel as a possession of God
- The Transfiguration
In the next post I will look at Ex 19:7-11.
- Baker, Warren, ed. – The Complete Word Study Old Testament. Chattanooga, TN: AMG, 1994. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Baker, Warren and Eugene Carpenter. The Complete Word Study Dictionary – Old Testament. Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 2003. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- God's Word: Today's Bible Translation That Means What It Says Holiday, FL: Green Key Books, n.d.. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- God's Word Application Index. Holiday, FL: Green Key Books, n.d.. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Holy Bible, New American Standard. La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Nave, Orville. Nave's Topical Bible: A Digest of The Holy Scriptures. New York: Topical Bible Publishing Co., 1896. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Thompson, Frank Charles. Thompson Chain Reference Bible. Indianapolis, IN: B. B. Kirkbride Bible Co., 1997. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Torrey, R. A. The New Topical Textbook. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1897. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Vine, William E. Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old Testament and New Testament Words. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1940. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
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