The initial overview of this topical study can be found HERE.
I should state that by common sources of temptation I am referring to a broader view than the simple categories such as food, money, sex etc. We are ALL tempted by different desires. I am instead referring to the factors that can easily lead us astray and take our eyes of off God and redirect our eyes towards whatever might tempt us as individuals!
You can hover your pointer over (most) any verse reference to read the corresponding verse(s). (Scriptural cross-references are THE most important resource!)
Initial thoughts on Causes of temptation
- It seems there are four main causes of temptation. (all of which are intertwined) Some are harder to avoid than others. (for instance we do live in the world, so therefore the temptations of the world will be present from time to time unless we just sequester ourselves away completely)
- The four main cause or avenues seem to be: 1) Satan! Satan deceived Eve in the garden. He has been after God's people forever and he will not stop. He is crafty, and subtle. However, he can also be resisted and defeated! (more on that in the most important section of this topical study) Satan has many tricks up his sleeve. One of them is by using other people close to us against us, which leads us to cause #2! 2) Associating with the wrong people. Associating does not mean working with, or even being friends with! A wrong association can even be a blood relative. This principle focuses more on how we deal with these associations. And if they do try to persuade us to sin, do we stay in that association!?? 3) Worldly concerns and or enticements. This is a broad category and is very much associated with categories 2 and 4! But the world is a HUGE source of temptation! And finally Satan knows our individual weaknesses which leads us to cause #4. 4) ULTIMATELY it comes down to our own desires! The Bible seems to stress (Jesus Himself stresses it!) that it is our own sinful thoughts and desires that lead us towards temptation and into sin! This can be traced all the way back to the tenth commandment: Ex 20:17 Basically it all comes down to the fact that we should not covet ANYTHING that is not ours or in God's plan for us!
Our first common cause is the deceptive strategies of the devil!
Satan and his deceptions
Gen 3:1-7
- Initial Observations -- I actually did an extensive study of these verses a few years ago but may have lost the paperwork! (was before I started using software for Bible Study) But we can see that Satan (the serpent) used very subtle word play to entice Eve to sin. Satan enticed her with her own desires! And we should also note that Adam followed Eve. He incorrectly followed an associate instead of following the Word of God!
- Ultimately Eve fell prey to her own desires. She WANTED to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree. Satan just gave her the push!
- I think it is also really important to notice Adam's complete failure here. Adam didn't protest when Eve was thinking about sinning and then he just willingly went along with her. We are to be stronger than that for our friends and companions and for ourselves.
- Cross-References -- 2Co 11:3 Gen 3:13-15 (notice that even though Satan deceived Eve, God still held her and Adam responsible for their own sins.) Jn 8:44
- Terms -- "desirable" -- a verb meaning to take pleasure in to lust or to covet! The chronology of these verses is important: YES! Satan deceived Eve with very crafty wordplay BUT he was only able to deceive her because: A) He knew what her secret desires were and B) SHE gave in to her lustful desires! Satan didn't really make her sin. Eve gave in to her own desires. This is what we all do when we sin! In many ways this entire section of Scripture is a blue print for this whole sub-topic. Adam and Eve's fall is THE blueprint for how NOT to resist and avoid temptation. Eve let herself be deceived, ultimately followed her own desires instead of God's commands and Adam did nothing to help her and then he went along with her!
- Commentaries -- The Wycliffe Bible Commentary reminds us that it is never wise to engage in dialogue with the tempter! Even with good intentions. More on this when discuss how to resist temptation! This commentary also reminds us that Eve basically finished Satan's work for him. Notice that once Eve starts to give in to her own lusts that Satan says nothing! We can't dialogue with Satan on our own. Even more importantly we must not allow ourselves to follow our own lustful desires!!
Job 1:6-12
- Initial Observations -- Satan has to ask permission (see Lk 22:31 ) And also notice how specific God is in His commands to Satan. In this first event of Job, God expressly tell Satan NOT to touch Job's person. And so Satan doesn't. He can't! Satan can not really go against God's power! God is our escape from Satan's temptations!! (more on this)
- Cross-References -- Lk 22:31-32 Jn 19:11 2Co 12:7 1Co 10:13 Lk 8:33
- Commentaries -- The Bible Background Commentary: Reminds us that the term satan literally means accuser! And that in this context it may not have been Satan himself but instead AN ACCUSER. The Wycliffe Bible Commentary: Tells us that the book of Job is not an answer to the question of, "Why do good people suffer?" It is instead represents absolute consecration of self to God! In other words it shows us that we are to NEVER lose our trust in, faith in, or fear of God! My favorite reminder to this is: Jn 21:19-22 !!!
1Ch 21:1-2
- Initial Observations -- I had to look to study helps for this!
- Commentaries: -- The Wycliffe Bible Commentary states that the sin seems to be in pride or boastfulness. As David seemed to be seeking security in the size of his armies as opposed to faith in the promises of God. In any case, once again Satan tempted David but it was David's own heart that caused him to sin! And when we look at 2Sam 24:1 we see that God allowed the temptation to occur. God did not do the tempting! He does not tempt us! But He will allow us to be tempted.
Mk 4:15
- Initial Observations: -- This is part of Jesus' explanation of the parable of the seeds from Mk 4:3-8 The full explanation can be found in the verses Mk 4:13-20 As we look at the explanation for the seeds planted along the road we see that Satan comes at once and takes away the word. How is that possible? And what does that mean planted "beside the road"? Worth looking into!
- Cross-references -- Mt 4:10 (for some reason the people "beside the road" are not yet equipped to resist Satan. They don't know the Word enough yet?) Lk 8:12
- commentaries -- The Wycliffe Bible Commentary states that these people on the side of the road merely hear the Word! They do not let it in at all. Which is why Satan can so easily take it from them. The Believer's Bible Commentary goes further, stating that those on the side of the road actually say NO to the Word because their hearts are as hardened as the path would be. This makes some sense as Jesus is comparing different soils to different receptions of the Word. Interesting and not all together clear. This parable deserves its own study. But for this topical study it is enough to know that although the Word is strong its place in our hears can be fragile until it has been allowed to plant its roots. (IE: full acceptance of the gift of grace from Jesus Christ!) Satan will come and take it from us if we don't hang onto it with all of our hearts!!
Lk 22:3-4
- Initial Observations -- Once again we see Satan entering in or inciting someone to sin. However, we also know that Judas was tempted by his own lust for money! And we also know that Jesus knew this was going to happen! It was part of God's plan. So a question comes up! DID Judas have a choice? That seems to be an interesting question for another study!! And one I plan on diving into.
- Cross-references -- Mt 26:14-16 Jn 13:2 Mk 14:10-11 Jn 13:27 Jn 6:70-71 Ps 41:9
Please refer to the extensive study on this section of Scripture HERE on the blog.
Ac 5:3
- Initial Observations -- It is interesting that Peter asks Ananias WHY? Satan had filled his heart to lie to the Holy Spirit! Simon Peter seems to be insinuating that Ananias had a choice! HUGE! Satan will tempt us but we don't have to (NOR SHOULD WE) let him in or fall for his deceptions.
- Cross-references -- Mt 4:10 (RESISTING WITH GOD'S WORD!---this is really the key to resistance!) Jn 13:27 Jn 13:2 Ac 5:9 Gen 3:13-17 (even though Satan did tempt Eve, God held her (US!) accountable for falling for the deception. It is our choice. We can only succumb to temptation if we want to!! If we truly want to resist and use the weapons that God has given us (more on those later in the study) we will be able to resist and the Devil will flee! This has been promised to us: James 4:7 and Eph 6:10-18 (and here we are given even more specific instructions on how we are to resist and protect ourselves from temptation!)
2Co 2:9-11
- Initial Observations -- There is a lot to this verse considering the preceding text! However I think the main phrase in 2Co 2:11 is "not ignorant". Ignorance is NOT bliss! We (I!!) need to be aware at all times!
2Co 11:3
- Initial Observations -- Not so much an observation of the text but an observation of myself; IT IS shocking and frightening just how easily I allow myself to be led astray! Even in the midst of a topical study on temptation I still fall prey to the tempter's schemes! But one thing I know: God has a way out for me. I need to keep pressing on through this study! Paul reaffirms just how beguiling and crafty Satan can be.
- Cross-references -- Gen 3:1 Ro 7:11 Ro 16:18 1Co 3:18 1Ti 2:14 Gal 1:6
2Ti 2:24-6
- Initial Observations -- These verses also fall under "finding strength in numbers and correct associations". If we associate with the correct people they will hopefully set us straight when we are on the wrong path! And notice that EVEN IF we should fall prey to Satan's schemes there IS an ESCAPE!
- Cross-references -- 1Ti 3:7 1Co 15:34 Eph 5:14 Ps 124:7 Ac 26:18 Col 1:13 1Ti 6:10 Isa 42:6 Lk 11:21
1Pe 5:8
- Initial Observations -- Simon Peter is warning us to be alert! Satan is always on the prowl, always looking for the smallest opening! That is why are to wear the FULL armor of God! Eph 6:10-18 We will also look at the following verse a little later in this topical study: 1Pe 5:9 Peter warns us to be on alert and then tells us plainly to resist Satan!
- Cross-references -- 1Th 5:6-8 1Pe 1:13 1Pe 4:7 Mt 4:1 (amplifies the fact that Satan is on the prowl! If Satan would dare to tempt Jesus, then it follows he would dare to tempt us!! No one is immune to being tempted! It is HOW we deal with temptation that is important, and how well we do to avoid unnecessary temptations!) 2Ti 4:17 Eph 4:27
- Terms -- Sober: To be watchful, circumspect.
1Th 3:4-5
- Initial Observations -- Paul knows how fragile we all are. He is worried that people won't fall prey to temptation! It is easy, too easy, to fall prey to temptation.
Study Helps:
- WordSearch E Book, 'The Great Doctrines" -- Reminds us that "Satan's subtlety is seen in tempting men in their weak moments (Matt. 4:1-11; Luke 22:40-46); after great successes (John 6:15, cf. 1-14); by suggesting the use of right things in a wrong way (Matt. 4:1-11); in deluding his followers by signs and wonders (2 Thess. 2:9, 10).
- "The Great Doctrines of the Bible." I find this to be fairly illuminating: The same book also mentions that Satan will often come to tempt us in our moments of deepest quiet and meditation!!
Thoughts and Application
- Satan will tempt us! In many different ways. He will be cunning and he will use our own lusts and desires against us. It is up to us to ask for help! God will punish Satan but as we saw with Adam and Eve, God will hold us accountable for falling into temptation. God has given us many ways to resist temptation. (which we will see later in this study) It is up to us to use them!!
- But before resistance, it is up to us to be on guard, to be sober and vigilant! If we aren't aware we are being tempted, how can we possibly fight against it! Awareness is THE KEY! when dealing with Satan's plans of temptation for us!
- Brand, Chad, Charles Draper, Archie England, ed. Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers, 2003. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Evans, William. The Great Doctrines of the Bible. Chicago: Bible Institute Colportage Assoc., 1912. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Finney, Charles. Lectures on Systematic Theology. Oberlin, OH: E. J. Goodrich, 1878. Reprint, Whittier, CA: Colporter Kemp, 1944. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Fleming, Don. Concise Bible Commentary. Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1994. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- God's Word: Today's Bible Translation That Means What It Says Holiday, FL: Green Key Books, n.d.. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- God's Word Application Index. Holiday, FL: Green Key Books, n.d.. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- – Holman Christian Standard Bible Nashville: Holman Bible, 1999. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- – Holman Christian Standard Bible Nashville: Holman Bible, 1999. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Keener, Craig S. The IVP Bible Background Commentary – New Testament. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1993. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Holy Bible, New American Standard. La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Holy Bible, New American Standard La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- The Holy Bible: New King James Version Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1988. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Pfeiffer, Charles F. and Everett F. Harrison, ed. The Wycliffe Bible Commentary. Chicago: Moody Bible Institute, 1990. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Thompson, Frank Charles. Thompson Chain Reference Bible. Indianapolis, IN: B. B. Kirkbride Bible Co., 1997. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Thompson, Frank Charles. Thompson Chain Reference Bible. Indianapolis, IN: B. B. Kirkbride Bible Co., 1997. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Torrey, R. A. and A.C. Dixon, ed. The Fundamentals: A Testimony to the Truth. Los Angeles: Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 1917. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Torrey, R. A. The New Topical Textbook. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1897. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Vine, William E. Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old Testament and New Testament Words. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1940. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Zodhiates, Spiros, ed. – The Complete Word Study New Testament. Chattanooga, TN: AMG, 1991. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Zodhiates, Spiros. The Complete Word Study Dictionary – New Testament. Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1993. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
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