It is important to remember that if we are going to avoid temptation (which should be our first avenue of defense!), we need to know when and where to look for it.
The initial overview of this topical study can be found HERE.
Part I of the Common Sources of Temptation can be found HERE.
Part II of the Common Sources of Temptation can be found HERE.
I should state that by common sources of temptation, I am referring to a broader view, than the simple categories such as food, money, sex etc. We are ALL tempted by different desires. I am actually referring to the larger factors that can easily lead us astray and take our eyes off of God and redirect our eyes towards whatever might tempt us as individuals!
You can hover your pointer over (most) any verse reference to read the corresponding verse(s). (Scriptural cross-references are THE most important resource!)
The World We Live In
Ps 52:7
- Initial Observations -- An important verse! Especially for me right at this moment!! God is our refuge! Not the world. Not our possessions or our successes. They were given to us by God anyway!! Notice the phrase: "strong in his evil desire" It is our own desire..ALWAYS..that causes us to sin. The devil tempts us! Friends may tempt us. The world tempts us! But is WE who sin and who are responsible for that sin. Only when we make God our refuge and our strength can we overcome all the temptations we face! I know this! Why don't I always live it?? Also important are the verses immediately following: Ps 52:8-9
- Cross-references -- Ps 49:6 Pr 11:28 Jer 17:5 Ps 49:6-20 Ps 62:10 1Ti 6:17 Ps 73:7-11 Ecc 8:8
Ps 62:10
- Initial Observations -- The preceding verses Ps 62:5-8 first tells us where to place our trust and heart: In God!!!
- Cross-references -- Mk 4:19 1Ti 6:10 1Ti 6:17-19 Isa 30:12-13 Pr 23:5 Lk 12:15 Isa 47:10-15 !! A particularly stern section of Scripture on this subject!!! Especially the last line: "There is none to save you." Only Jesus can save us! If we turn from Him and consequently turn from God...we have nothing! Salvation comes from only one place! One! Nothing in this world can save us! Nothing! Only Jesus!
Pr 11:28
- Initial Observations -- A fairly clear cut verse! It is important to know what the word righteous means.
- Righteous (H6662) -- describes justice, right actions and right attitudes as expected by God! So those who are behaving (to the best of their human ability) as God expects are the righteous. They are focused on God and not the things of this world!
Ecc 4:8
- Initial Observations -- Part of a larger section of Ecclesiastes that we will look at a little later as it deals with strength in numbers. This verse does remind us that wealth and riches alone are not satisfying.
- Cross-references -- Pr 27:20 Ecc 1:8 Ecc 5:10 (see below) Lk 12:20 Isa 55:2 (an important verse! In fact Isa 55 is very important and worth a study on its own!)
Ecc 5:10-11
- Initial Observations -- As in another important verse ( 1Ti 6:10 ) it is important to note that MONEY is not bad unto itself. It is just a tool, a means to an end! Something we do need to earn, so that we can eat and live. But it is the LOVE of money that cause us trouble! Being overly concerned with the things of this world can be an all-consuming spiral that causes us to forget or ignore what is most important: God! (and then our families and loved ones!) And basically: The more one gets...the more one wants!
- Cross-references -- Ecc 2:10-11 Ecc 4:8 Ecc 6:7 Ps 52:7 Pr 30:15 Mt 6:19 Lk 12:15 1Ti 6:10 1Jn 2:16
Isa 47:10-15
- Initial Observations -- A strong section of Scripture whose point is the last line: "There is none to save you." All the things of this world the person had counted on to save him won't be able to save him. Only Jesus can save us! The world is not our salvation!
- Cross-references -- Mal 4:1
Mt 4:8
- Initial Observations -- We will look at this verse again when we focus on HOW to resist temptation! However, it is interesting to note that the last temptation that the devil used against Jesus was worldly wealth, power and/or fame! Jesus was tempted by all the same things we are tempted by. We should pay attention to how He resisted!
- Cross-references -- Nt 16:26 1Jn 2:15-17 Ps 49:16-17 Heb 11:24-26
- Commentaries -- The Background Bible Commentary: Reminds us that ironically enough, the kingdoms of the world aren't really even Satan's to give away!! An important point to remember. God created all and all is His! The Wycliffe Bible Commentary: Disagrees and thinks that Satan did indeed have something to bestow otherwise the test would have had no validity. I think The Background Bible Commentary point is valid as whatever Satan could offer is only temporary in nature. But I see where it is important to understand that Satan can tempt us albeit with TEMPORARY stuff!
Mt 13:22
- Initial Observations -- In this part of the famous parable the seed sown among thorns is the man whose hearing of the Word gets drowned out by the worries of the world and the illusion of wealth. It is TOO EASY to get distracted by our earthly worries and desires. We MUST (I MUST) remain focused on God's Word! And on God, and what He wants and commands.
- Cross-references -- Ro 12:2 1Jn 2:15 Mt 19:23 1Ti 6:9-10 2Ti 4:10 1Co 3:18 2Co 4:4 Gal 1:4 1Ti 6:17 Mt 6:24-25 Mt 19:16-24 Lk 12:15 Lk 12:21 Lk 12:29-30 Lk 14:16-24 Lk 21:34 Lk 8:14
- Commentaries -- The Wycliffe Bible Commentary: Points out that the people in this part of the parable were already too preoccupied with the world to let the Word in!! But it is wise for us to know that even after we let the Word in we need to work to keep the world OUT!
Mt 6:24-25
- Initial Observations -- All very clear! We should serve God and not serve wealth or worldly concerns. It is important for us to read the rest of the section as Jesus tells us plainly what we should do: Mt 6:33 !!
- Cross-references -- Lk 16:13 Gal 1:10 James 4:4 1Ki 18:21 Lk 16:11 (this verse and the surrounding verses require some study! Lk 16:1-13 Jos 24:20
Mk 8:36-37
- Initial Observations -- The context before and after is important when looking at these two verses. (context is ALWAYS important) In Mk 8:34-35 Jesus makes it very clear that our sole focus should be on Him! We need to follow Jesus. Everything else in the world is secondary. In Mk 8:37-38 Jesus tell us the consequences of NOT following Him. He will be ashamed of us at the of His glory! He will NOT intercede for us. That is a painful consequence! I know I would rather keep my soul!
- Cross-references -- Mt 16:26 1Co 3:15 Php 3:7 Mt 4:8-10 Lk 9:25 Lk 12:19-20 Lk 16:19-23 Ro 6:21 Heb 11:24-26 Jn 12:25 Lk 12:8-12 (I find Lk 12:11-12 very comforting! As long as we keep our faith and focus on Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will teach us and help us be right in our moment of trial!) Lk 12:4-7
- Commentaries -- The Bible Background Commentary: Reminds us that Jesus' use of the word cross is not by accident. ( Mk 8:34 ) Jesus is using a STRONG comparison here. The cross was a violent and painful execution. Jesus is trying to prepare them (us) for real troubles. But our souls are worth it! AND The Wycliffe Bible Commentary: Further asserts how strong a word that ashamed is in this context. ( Mk 8:38 ) To be ashamed would be to deny. No matter what trials, tribulations or temptations the world presents us with, we must put our hope in Jesus Christ and follow Him! Period!
The next few sections of Scripture are all from Lk 12 and
are very clear and instructive on this topic of worldly temptations vs. what we
should really be giving our utmost attention.
Lk 12:15
- Initial Observations -- For context we need to look at: Lk 12:13-14 where someone in the crowd is asking Jesus to intercede in a dispute over a family inheritance. This person is not concerned with anything but money at this point. This prompts Jesus to say what he says in Lk 12:15 and which he expands upon in the following verses. But very simply Lk 12:15 is telling us our life does not consist of our possession or lack therof.
- Cross-references -- 1Ti 6:20 2Ti 1:14 1Jn 5:21 Eph 5:3 1Ti 6:6-10 Lk 16:14 Lk 21:34 Ps 10:3 Ps 119:36 Pr 16:16 Ecc 4:6-8 Ecc 5:10-16 Mt 6:25-26
- Commentaries -- The Bible Background Commentary: States that Jesus' words on possessions were particularly harsh here as very few writings of the day were of the same tone as Jesus' words. Jesus has a different message! God is the most important thing. Period!
Lk 12:16-21
- Initial Observations -- Jesus tells a parable immediately following the comment from the crowd in Lk 12:13 and then Jesus' response in Lk 12:14-15 This parable is an example of what Jesus is telling them. Jesus explains the parable in Lk 12:21 The person who stores up earthly treasure over and above his or her relationship with God will not be prepared when the time comes for reckoning. The man in the parable is focused on storing up things that he can't take with him. (this is not meant to be a parable against wise and proper is a parable about correct focus. And our focus is NOT to be on possessions...although they are tempting!)
- Cross-references -- Lk 6:24 Lk 16:19-30 Ge 41:47-49 (storing up things FOR a reason!! Not for greed's sake!) Lk 12:22 Lk 12:29 Ac 2:36-39 Lk 12:33 Lk 3:11 Lk 11:39-41 Mt 5:42 2Co 9:16-15 1Jn 3:16 Mt 11:28 (find our rest in God and NOT in our possessions!) Mt 6:31 Rev 6:11 Rev 14:13 Ecc 2:24 Ecc 11:9 Pr 23:5 Mt 6:19-21 Pr 27:1 James 4:13-15 Lk 21:34 1Ti 5:6 1Pe 4:3 Mt 16:26 Job 27:8 Pr 11:4 Ecc 2:18-22 Ecc 5:14-16
- Commentaries -- The Wycliffe Bible Commentary: Reminds us that the landowner did not even consider the possibility of sharing his riches with others. There seems to be no condemnation for having stuff but it is the not giving, not sharing, hoarding for ourselves and NOT focusing on our relationship with God that is condemned!
Lk 12:22-26
- Initial Observations -- And now after the parable Jesus clearly tells His disciples (and us!) NOT to worry about our life with regards to what we will eat or what clothes we will wear. God will provide: He knows we need these things. And then in Lk 12:25-26 Jesus explains why we shouldn't WORRY( not to be confused with NOT WORKING!!) We can't add an hour to our life by worrying! So why worry? We should be prudent and make wise and healthy decisions and work, but worry? No! By worrying we are placing our concerns for worldly things over our attention to God and His commands! This type of worry and misplaced attention can EASILY lead to sin. EASILY!
- Cross-references -- Mt 6:25-34 Pr 31:25 1Co 7:32 Php 4:6 Heb 13:5 Pr 13:8 1Ki 17:1-6 Pr 145:15-16 Lk 12:7 Lk 12:30-32 Ecc 7:13 1Pe 5:6-7 !!
Lk 12:27-28
- Initial Observations -- Expands on the previous verses. God takes care of all nature. He will take care of us. Once again Jesus questions the people (and US!) about our lack of faith.
- Cross-references -- Lk 12:24 Mt 6:28-30 James 1:10-11 Mt 8:26 Mt 14:31 Lk 8:25 Mt 17:17-20
- Commentaries -- The Wycliffe Bible Commentary: Reminds us that what God has made in nature is far more beautiful than what man creates. And points us to the fact that grass is used today, gone tomorrow and God still makes it beautiful! Our souls live forever! Thus the analogy!
Lk 12:29-32
- Initial Observations -- Jesus concludes this discourse with a reminder to NOT worry about our worldly needs. God knows we need them!! Jesus also reminds us what we SHOULD be focused on: seeking God's kingdom!!
- Cross-references -- Mt 6:31-33 Lk 12:22 Lk 10:7 Lk 22:35 Mt 5:6 Mt 5:20 Lk 11:2 1Ki 3:11-14 Mt 19:29 Mk 10:29-30 Lk 10:39-42 !! Ps 34:9 Ps 37:3 Ps 37:25 Ro 8:31 1Ti 4:8 Heb 13:5 Lk 12:4-7 Isa 40:11 Eph 1:5 Isa 53:6 Jn 10:26-30 Php 2:13 Ro 8:28-32 Heb 12:28 1Pe 1:3-5 2Pe 1:11
Lk 14:16-24
- A parable that must be interpreted as a parable with the following steps.
- Begin with the immediate context:-- The preceding verse, Lk 14:15 consists of someone stating to Jesus that "Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God." Jesus had just previously discussed being inclusive in invitations. (He specifically discusses inviting the poor, crippled, and lame) The verses immediately following deal with giving up one's own possessions and families to follow Jesus.
- Determine the occasion of the parable: -- It seems Jesus is in the midst of doing a lot of teaching and preaching about the kingdom of God. He uses the persons excitement about eating bread in the kingdom of God to make sure the person knows to accept the invitation!!!
- Look for the explanation of the meaning of the parable: -- It does not seem that Jesus gives a specific explanation or application. The last sentence ( Lk 16:24 which is still a part of the parable and not a set-apart explanation does seem to be the moral or POINT of the parable!)
- Since a parable has one central point of emphasis, you must identify the relevant details and the irrelevant details: -- RELEVANT POINTS: Many were invited/At the time of that everything was made ready for the dinner each gave a worldly concern as their excuse for being to busy to attend the dinner/the man giving the dinner was angry at the refused invitations and then invited the sick and poor and even those "along the hedges"/the man giving the dinner wants his house to be full!/and he specifically states that those who turned down the invitation will not taste of the dinner...they had their chance. IRRELEVANT DETAILS: The specific reasons for the declined invitations. All we need to know is that they were more concerned with their everyday worries
- Identify the central or focal idea of the parable: -- As the preceding/immediate context was a discussion of eating bread in the kingdom of God it becomes obvious that has used a parable of a dinner party to teach about being invited into the kingdom of God. Jesus is telling them ALL that everything is ready!! He IS telling us all that everything is ready. (Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection MADE everything ready!!) Our place has been set at the dinner. We just have to accept the invitation. But if we are invited and we don't take the time to accept the invitation because we are focused on the things of this world? Well then we won't get to eat that bread or taste of that dinner.
- Interpret parables in the context of the culture of Bible rather than the culture of today: -- The Bible Background Commentary: Reminds us that. 1) The invitations would have been R.S.V.P. thus those who turned the invitation down had already said they were coming. (in other words: If we accept our invitation and then lose sight of it because we care more about our worldly concerns and things then we will not get to come to the dinner!), 2) Bringing in beggars from off the street was unheard of!!
- Compare with Parallel and Contrasting Passages: -- Mt 22:2-14 Isa 55:1-7 Mt 16:16 Rev 3:20 Mt 11:27-29 Jn 7:37 2Co 6:1
- Jn 5:39-41 Lk 8:14 Lk 17:26-36 !!! 1Jn 2:16 1Co 7:33 1Co 7:29-31 !! Ps 2:12 Heb 12:25-27 Jn 9:39 James 2:5 Lk 7:23 1ti 2:6-7 Pr 1:24-32 Mt 21:43 Jn 3:36 Jn 3:19 Ac 13:46 (Jesus has come to invite ALL to the kingdom of God, not just the Jews. Which is what the leaders of that day thought was the case.)
- Thoughts: -- As this topical study is on temptation, and we are currently looking at causes of temptation, this parable may seem out of place! BUT it isn't! Jesus has warned us consistently that the things of this world can cause us to worry and take our focus off of God! The first commandment is about worshipping God and God alone: Ex 20:2-6 And the last commandment is to not COVET anything that is NOT ours (or in God's plan for us) Ex 20:17 If God's plan for us is to be invited into His kingdom? Amazing! My mere words cannot do justice to how amazing that is! BUT if I focus on things of this world and let my attention wander, and I begin to covet (it IS important to remember that a momentary want is not the same as COVET!--an entirely different topic!) those things that are not in God's plan for me I will let focus drift further from God. That is a sin. So this parable is exceptionally relevant to this topic! Lk 17:26-36 is also very relevant! Stay on guard! Keep watch that we (I) don't become so distracted by the things of the world that we (I) miss Jesus and lose sight of what we (I) should be focusing on.
Ro 12:2
- Initial Observations -- Wonderful use of words! Don't be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds!! The AMG Complete Word Study Dictionary states the renewing in this case means a qualitative renovation as opposed to a refresh! And that would be backed up by Paul's use of the word transformed. Changed. Vine's tells us that this use of renewing stresses our willing response to God's wishes and changes for us. But what a great choice of words. We can't be conformed to this world!!
- Cross-references -- 1Pe 1:14 Mt 13:22 Gal 1:4 !! 1Jn 2:15 Eph 4:17-23 !! Titus 3:5 Eph 5:10 Eph 5:17 Col 1:9 Ex 23:2 !! Lev 18:30 Dt 18:9-14 Jn 15:19 1Co 3:19 2Co 6:14-17 1Pe 4:2 2Pe 1:4 2Pe 2:20 Ro 13:14 Ps 51:10 Eze 36:26 2Co 5:17 Ps 119:72 2Ti 3:16-17
- Commentaries -- The Wycliffe Bible Commentary: Reminds us that the transformation and renewal occur by "testing" to to discern what God's will is.
- This leads to a discussion of the word prove in this verse: "so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable, and perfect." The HCSB translates prove as DISCERN and God's Word translation uses the word DETERMINE. I think those two words are better than prove. Discern or determine seem to get to the heart of the matter. How do we RENEW. By constantly looking into and studying God's Word! This constant qualitative renewal will cause us to be transformed. Why? Because when we truly study and dive into God's Word with prayer and receptiveness, He will open up our hearts so that we will begin to know His will for us. We must discern His will to do His will. Lots to think about here. But in a nutshell: It is yet another instance where we learn that the concerns and thoughts of this world will lead us astray!
1Co 7:32-34
- Initial Observations -- 1Co 7:32 is important to understanding this section. Paul is NOT against marriage! He wants people to be free from concern and worry and he believes that marriage is one of the largest contributors to people's everyday worries that can distract them from God! He states pretty clearly that one who is married (man or woman) is concerned with the things of the world and how to please his or her spouse and they then will not be concerned about the things of the Lord.
- Cross-references -- 1Ti 5:5 Mt 6:25-34 Ps 55:22 1Ti 5:8 1Co 7:3 Eph 5:25-33 Col 3:19 1Pe 3:7 We see that one must be concerned with his or her spouse. It is a command throughout the Bible to take care of the needs of your spouse! Lk 2:36-37 1Ti 3:5 1Co 6:20 Ro 12:1-2 1Co 7:2 1Co 7:5-9 Mt 19:12
- Commentaries -- The Bible Background Commentary: Reminds that Paul just wants people to as free from distraction as possible so that they can focus on God and serve God. For some people that would mean to be married if their passions cannot be rectified.
Lk 10:38-42
- Initial Observations -- Not all of these selected verses (including this section) deal directly with the world leading us into temptation. BUT many of them do suggest that there is only ONE thing to be concerned about. Only ONE thing that we truly need: Our relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. If we lose focus on that to focus on worldly things we will be more likely to sin and most importantly will let the most important relationship on our life take second place.
- Cross-references -- Mk 4:38-40 1Pe 5:6-7 Ro 8:26 Lk 12:29 Jn 6:27 Mt 14:15-20 Lk 4:1-4 Lk 12:22 Php 4:6 Mt 6:25-34 Lk 8:14 Lk 21:34 Ps 16:5 Ps 27:4 Lk 18:22 Col 2:10 1Jn 5:11-12 Dt 30:19 Jn 4:14 Jn 5:24 Jn 10:27-28 Ro 8:35-39 1Pe 1:4-15
Col 2:8-10
- Initial Observations -- Paul clearly states to us that we should not let any one take us captive (or remove us from our focus on learning, living and obeying God's Word) through deception or lies according to the tradition of men (or worldly thoughts and traditions). We should follow Jesus Christ! Period. Anything else can lead us to ruin; worldly ruin and eternal ruin.
- Cross-references -- 1Ti 6:20 Heb 3:12 Eph 5:6 Gal 4:3-6 Col 2:20-22 Mt 7:15 Mt 16:6 Php 3:2 2Pe 3:17 Jer 29:8 Ro 16:17 1Co 1:19-23 Mk 7:3-13 Gal 4:9 Eph 2:1-2 Col 1:19 Col 7:14 Mt 1:23 Jn 10:30 Jn 10:38 1Jn 5:20 Jn 1:14 1Co 11:3 Eph 1:22 Eph 4:15 1Co 1:30 Heb 5:9 Col 1:16-18 Php 2:9-11 1Pe 3:21-22 Rev 5:9-13
1Ti 6:9-10
- Initial Observations -- As Jesus states in Lk 16:13 we cannot serve two masters. Loving money will often cause us to give in to foolish desires and lead us away from God! Money isn't bad! Loving it to the point of idolatry is!
- Cross-references -- Pr 15:27 Pr 23:4 Pr 28:20 Pr 21:6 Mk 4:19 1Jn 2:15-17 Mt 27:3-5 Php 1:27 Ex 23:8 Col 3:5 Eph 5:5
1Ti 6:17
- Initial Observations -- A very clear instruction for those who are rich to always keep their focus and faith on God, who supplies us with what we have. Too many of us (ME) can become self-important with any achievements or gain we may obtain. God grants them all to us. Without Him we do and get nothing.
- Cross-references -- Ps 62:10 1Ti 4:10 2Ch 26:16-20 (Uzziah's pride is his undoing!) Ps 10:4 Jer 9:23-24 Ps 118:8-9 Jer 17:7-8 Col 3:16
James 4:4
- Initial Observations -- The preceding verses, James 4:1-3 are VERY important when reading James 4:4 James is very plainly telling his readers (and us) why there are quarrels and conflicts (and most likely sin!). We lust for things we do not have, we do not have these things because a) we do not ask or b) we ask with the wrong motives! If we ask based on our own worldly desires and lusts we are off base. James explains why in verse 4! If we are asking based on what the world wants or makes us think we want, then we are asking based on hostility towards God as the world wants what it wants, not want God wants. We must always check, pray, double-check and then pray again to make sure our motives and desires are in line with what God wants!
- Cross-references -- Jn 15:19 James 1:27 1Jn 2:15-16 Ro 8:7 Mt 6:24 Ps 7:27 Jn 15:23 Jn 17:14
2Pe 2:20
- Initial Observations -- We again look at the preceding verses for a little clarity: 2Pe 2:17-19 Simon Peter is discussing those who have barely escaped a life of sin,, through faith in Jesus Christ, but who are now enticed again by the "defilements of the world" and fall back into sin. We must always be on guard! The minute we think we are safe and let our guard down, the enemy will tempt us even harder than before. The world is an enticing place. We can't let ourselves be seduced by it!
- Cross-references -- 2Pe 1:2 (a simple but effective reminder that it is God's grace that allows us to be free from sin!) 2Pe 3:18 2Ti 2:4 !! Heb 6:4-8 Heb 10:26-27 !!!
- Thoughts -- 2Pe 2:20 Heb 6:4-8 and Heb 10:26-27 are interesting verses. They could all very easily be misconstrued (and I pray that I am not misunderstanding them!) I do not believe they are saying that once we come to faith in Jesus we are doomed if we sin again! I believe they are saying that if we turn away from Jesus we have problems!! OR if once we have the knowledge of Jesus we go on without accepting Jesus' gift and salvation, then we are expecting judgement. These verses are basically dealing with full-blown apostasy! These verses should be studied in closer context! But Paul does say that we cannot be separated from God: Ro 8:35-39
1Jn 2:15-17
- Initial thoughts -- A fitting section of Scripture to close this portion of the topical study. Quite simply: Not everything in the world is for us to do. God will show (tell) us what He wants us to have and do. If we veer from that we are ignoring God and opening ourselves up to serious temptations that could take us even farther from the path that God wants us to travel.
- Cross-references -- Jn 15:19 Jn 17:16 Ro 12:2 James 1:27 James 4:4 1Jn 5:4-5 1Jn 5:10 Gal 1:10 !! Eph 2:1-7 (as usual Paul sums things up nicely!) Col 3:1-2 Mt 6:24 1Jn 3:17 Ro 3:14 1Pe 4:2 Ge 3:6 1Pe 2:11 Mt 5:28 Gal 5:17 1Pe 1:14 Lk 4:5 Mt 4:8 1Jn 2:8 Mk 3:35 1Pe 1:25 Mt 7:21 Ps 143:10 Jn 4:14
- Commentaries -- The Bible Background Commentary: States that "the world" in these verses is anything that is in conflict or competition with the Word of God. The Wycliffe Bible Commentary: Points out that John is giving us three reasons for not loving the world. 1) We can't serve two masters ( Mt 6:24 ) and the world is in conflict with the will of God. We must serve God! 2) Quite simply the things of the world are not of the Father! and 3) The world is transitory. God is not! The world is passing away, God is forever!!
Thoughts and Application:
- There is so much to this cause of temptation. We are surrounded by the world every day! We live in it. And many of the things in it are GOOD as God created those things. It is when we focus on those things as the end and most important goals that we get in trouble. Discerning and then doing God's will should be our goal. Period. Is it not bad to want a nice house. It is not even bad to want more money. But to LOVE that house or that money or need it beyond everything else is the problem. We are to LOVE God and want to be in relationship with Him above all else. Paul never said money was evil but that the LOVE of money was evil! 1Ti 6:10
- And what a delicate balance that is for all of us! To balance the fact that God will put wants in our hearts for a reason. And that it is okay to want certain things. However if God does not want it for us we have to let it go. Likewise, if we want something and God wants it for us we still have to want it for the right reasons: because God wants us to have and/or use it. If we become enamored with the thing itself we have lost touch with God's will. This applies to pretty much everything, not just money! Careers, sex, marriage partners, friends, etc. etc.
- How do we achieve this balance? It can be very tough! Fortunately for us, God gave us His Son, Jesus Christ as an example to follow. Jesus was also tempted with all that was in the world: Lk 4:5-7 and Mt 4:8-9 Satan offered Jesus ALL that was in the world. All the things that tempt us as well. Jesus was fully human so these things would be very tempting to Him! But Jesus is also God and knew how to fight temptation! Jesus shows us quite clearly how to fight temptation: Use the Word of God! Follow God! Lk 4:8 and Mt 4:10 Jesus responds with Scripture. The Word of God! And the devil flees! A lesson we all need to take to heart and apply! For the world is tempting but we must SERVE God, not the world and not our own worldly desires. We are to only serve God! One interesting thing: Notice that in His response Jesus did not say that everything in the world was bad! The larger point is: Having those things was not in the Father's plan for Jesus at that time! THAT is the point of all of this. If we truly try to discern God's will through prayer and studying His Word, we will be able to resist temptation. We will be able to follow and find the good things He has in store for us. I can't say anything clearer than what Jesus says: Mt 4:10 and Jn 21:21-22
- Baker, Warren and Eugene Carpenter. The Complete Word Study Dictionary – Old Testament. Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 2003. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Brand, Chad, Charles Draper, Archie England, ed. Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers, 2003. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Evans, William. The Great Doctrines of the Bible. Chicago: Bible Institute Colportage Assoc., 1912. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Fleming, Don. Concise Bible Commentary. Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1994. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- God's Word: Today's Bible Translation That Means What It Says Holiday, FL: Green Key Books, n.d.. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- God's Word Application Index. Holiday, FL: Green Key Books, n.d.. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- – Holman Christian Standard Bible Nashville: Holman Bible, 1999. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- – Holman Christian Standard Bible Nashville: Holman Bible, 1999. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Keener, Craig S. The IVP Bible Background Commentary – New Testament. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1993. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Holy Bible, New American Standard. La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Holy Bible, New American Standard La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- The Holy Bible: New King James Version Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1988. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Pfeiffer, Charles F. and Everett F. Harrison, ed. The Wycliffe Bible Commentary. Chicago: Moody Bible Institute, 1990. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Thompson, Frank Charles. Thompson Chain Reference Bible. Indianapolis, IN: B. B. Kirkbride Bible Co., 1997. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Thompson, Frank Charles. Thompson Chain Reference Bible. Indianapolis, IN: B. B. Kirkbride Bible Co., 1997. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Torrey, R. A. The New Topical Textbook. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1897. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Vine, William E. Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old Testament and New Testament Words. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1940. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Zodhiates, Spiros. The Complete Word Study Dictionary – New Testament. Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1993. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Zodhiates, Spiros, ed. – The Complete Word Study New Testament. Chattanooga, TN: AMG, 1991. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.