Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Beatitudes, Matthew 5:2-12: Today's verse is Matthew 5:4

Today we continue our verse by verse look at what is often referred to as The Beatitudes, Matthew 5:2-12.  We will be looking at Matthew 5:4.

The overview of Matthew 5:2-12 can be
found here, while an important word study on the term blessed can be found here.  The verse overviews of Matthew 5:2 and 5:3 can be found here   and  here. 

For any person who does not have easy access to Bible software you can look up all cross references listed in this blog at the Bible Gateway website.    It is easy and quick to use and you can choose from many different translations.  The cross references are a big part of any Bible Study that we may undertake!

Matthew 5:4

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
(Matthew 5:4)

Grammatical Considerations
Cause and effect:  The effect is that the Blessed will be comforted.  The cause is because they mourn.  What they are mourning will be discussed below.
ARE and FOR:  As in all the Beatitudes Jesus makes it clear that what He is saying are not probabilities. They are true and will occur given the circumstances He sets forth.
Important Terms

All definitions were culled from the Complete Word Study Dictionary from AMG Publishers and/or
Mounce's Complete Expository Dictionary.

  • ESword Concordance Search--- Mat 9:15  Luk 6:25  Rev 1:7  Job 5:11  Ecc 3:4  Isa 61:2            Isa  61:3  Isa 66:10  Psa 30:11  Rev 21:4
  • Definition--- to be sad about, grieve for and bewail the death of a friend.
    Mounce adds that often in the NT we are told it is right and ok for us to mourn our own sins (grieve over the fact that we have committed these sins!) 
be comforted:
  • ESword Concordance Search--- Luk 16:25  2Co 1:6  2Co 1:4  2Co 13:11  2Th 2:16  Rev 7:17   Psa 71:21  Psa 119:50   Psa 119:75-76\
  • Definition--- receive aid, be encouraged, to receive help or consolation.  Is a verb form of the Greek word paraklesis which comes from the Greek words para(beside) and kaleo(to call).  Or  calling to one's side! Or to call near!  So those who mourn (and also mourn their own sinful nature) will be called near to God and from God they will find their consolation!   
Other cross-references:  Psa 34:4  Psa 55:22  Isa 41:10

So all of  this goes hand in hand with those that are poor in spirit from Mat 5:3  For those who are poor in spirit are humbled and know they are sinners.  It is important to remember that the spirit refers to the intangible part of a man that is in relationship with God.  And only those who are humbled enough to realize they are poor in spirit (not right with God) will then mourn their sins that have made this relationship poor.  And then and only then, will they be humbled and contrite  Psa 51:15-17  (actually that entire Psalm!!)  enough to willfully, readily and joyfully receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.  And then, and only then will they be right with God and no longer poor in spirit or in mourning!  They will indeed be comforted!!  Comforted by the fact that they are now in a right and permanent relationship with God!
“Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved."

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