Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Beatitudes, Mattthew 5:2-12, Today's verse is Matthew 5:3

Today we continue our verse by verse look at what is often referred to as The Beatitudes, Matthew 5:2-12.

The overview of Matthew 5:2-12 can be
found here, while an important word study on the term blessed can be found here.  The verse overview of Matthew 5:2 can be found here.
For any person who does not have easy access to Bible software you can look up all cross references listed in this blog at the Bible Gateway website.    It is easy and quick to use and you can choose from many different translations.  The cross references are a big part of any Bible Study that we may undertake!

Matthew 5:3

 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
(Matthew 5:3)

Grammatical Considerations
Cause and Effect:  The effect is that the kingdom of heaven is the for the poor in spirit, the cause is that the the poor in spirit are blessed.  Why are they blessed?  See below.
are and is:  Jesus leaves no doubts here.  The poor in spirit ARE blessed and the kingdom of heaven IS theirs! 
Important Terms

All definitions were culled from the Complete Word Study Dictionary from AMG Publishers and/or
Mounce's Complete Expository Dictionary.

  • ESword Concordance Search---  Mat 11:5   Luk 4:18  Luk 6:20  Luk 7:22  Luk 14:13  Luk 14:21  2Co 6:10  2Co 8:9     2Co 9:9  Rev 3:17 
  • Definition--- by implication, poor, low, humble, possibly afflicted and distressed. (imperfect)  Figuratively, as in this verse, it means those who recognize their spiritual helplessness.
  • Other Cross References-- Lev 26:41-42  Deu 8:2  2Ch 33:12  2Ch 7:14  2Ch 34:27  Psa 51:17  Pro 29:23  Isa 57:15  Isa 66:2  Mic 6:8  Jas 4:9-10    
in spirit:
  • Definition--- Spirit (in man) is separate from the body and also different from the soul.  Soul is the immaterial nature of man that makes him aware of his body and physical environment.  Spirit is our immaterial nature that allows us to communicate with God (who puts His Spirit in us when we accept His Son Jesus as our Savior!)  Soul and spirit are contrasted in the following verses:  Mat 12:18    1Th 5:23  Heb 4:12   (the subject of soul versus spirit requires a whole study unto itself!)

kingdom of heaven:

  • ESword Concordance Search--- Mat 5:19  Mat 5:20  Mat 7:21  Mat 8:11  Mat 13:11                 Mat 13:24-30  Mat 13:44    Mat 13:44-50    Mat 16:19  Mat 18:3-4    Mat 18:23-35                  Mat 20:1-2  Mat 25:1  Rev 11:15  Rev 12:10  Dan 2:44  Dan 7:13  Luk 17:21
  • Definition--- Can refer to the kingdom of God spiritually in our human hearts!  AND also refers to the everlasting kingdom that God will give to Jesus Christ, first in imperfect form on earth and then in completeness,--Mat 25:31  (kingdom of heaven is used mostly in Matthew!) 

(as an aside-when in Luk 17:20-21  Jesus talks to the Pharisees about the Kingdom of God, He tells them that it is not observable but is indeed among them, (within them, or in their midst).  The  Greek word used can mean all of those things.  And maybe does?  Some commentators say that Jesus could not have meant that the Kingdom of Heaven was within the Pharisees' hearts because their hearts were hardened!  And those commentators prefer the translation as "in the midst", or "among".  As in:  the Kingdom was right there before them.  But Jesus said it did not come as something observable.  The key to receiving the kingdom is in our hearts or in our spirit, as the beatitudes so carefully express.  Our hearts must be open to receiving Christ, for only then can we receive the kingdom of God.  Even if the Pharisees themselves were not of the correct heart it does not nullify the fact that key to kingdom of heaven is WITHIN us and whether we are ready to receive Christ or not!..(i think)...(the entire subject of the kingdom of heaven requires some more reflection! ) (Matthew Henry sees the kingdom of God as revolutions of the heart!!--NICE)

So based on the definition of blessed as used in the beatitudes (see word study here) it seems that Jesus is mostly referring to the spiritual kingdom of God WITHIN us (as the poor in spirit are humbled and thus ready for a true relationship with God!  Psa 51:17  )

As we see from how blessed is used in these verses, the beatitudes refer to a permanent state, regardless of circumstances---this would also seem to mean that Jesus is referring to the eventual kingdom of God as we see in Dan 7:13   and in Revelations.  This kingdom will also be permanent.

But based on the use of spirit in the beatitude and the nature of the word blessed in these verses I think Jesus is mostly referring to our inner relationship with God and the fact that He places His Spirit WITHIN us-------Once we have accepted and acknowledged His Son, Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord!

Before undertaking this study (and being shown by God what this all truly means) I was reading this verse incorrectly.  I did not understand that being poor in spirit was the condition to receive the kingdom.  The condition of being "poor in spirit" is what allows the blessed to receive the kingdom of Heaven.  They are low and humble and realize that they have not yet become right with God. (as our spirit is the immaterial part of us that is in communication with God and/or allows us to communicate with God).  So those poor in spirit are those who know they are not in the best relationship (communication) with God They acknowledge that they do need to become right with God and are able to then accept His Son, Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.  And that is what causes them to be blessed (in a permanent state of right relationship with God, regardless of earthly circumstances).  They are now rich in spirit (In good communication and right relationship) with God.  They are not blessed with the kingdom of heaven AND poor in spirit!  They are blessed and have the kingdom of God BECAUSE (in part anyway) they were in the right spiritual state to receive God's Son!!  (low and humble in spirit) 

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