And here is where you can find the verse overviews of Psa 1:1-2 Psa 1:3 and Psa 1:4
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Psalms 1:5-6
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; for the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.
(Psalms 1:5-6 ESV)
Important terms
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; for the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.
(Psalms 1:5-6 ESV)
- Psa_1:5-6 are a conclusion. (THEREFORE!) The Psalm concludes with two more contrasts of the wicked and the blessed man, called righteous in these two verses. The main characters are the sinners, the righteous and God Himself. The wicked will not STAND in the judgment or in the congregation of the righteous. God knows the righteous! The wicked will perish. (an expression of time--there IS no expression of time applied to the righteous in this verse. This relates to the comparison of the never withering leaf in Psa 1:3) (grammatical considerations are dealt with in the preceding paragraph)
My Questions:
- Is stand a further continuation of the tree comparison? (NO not really) What exactly does the psalmist mean by "the Lord knows the way of the righteous?" Or is the ESV translation of knows not as accurate as some other translations? How does this compare exactly to the wicked perishing?
Things emphasized:
- In no uncertain terms will the wicked be allowed to stand with the righteous. God will not allow it. An interesting contrast is that the Blessed man chooses to follow God and chooses not to follow the sinners, while at the judgment the sinners are no longer given a choice because they have already made their choice. Or so it would seem... Or am I being too judgmental with that comment??
Important terms
The judgement:
the way:
- See notes to Psa_1:1
- E Sword concordance search---- Num 30:4-12 Jos 7:12-13 Job 19:25 Psa 24:3 Psa 89:43 Psa 94:16 Pro 19:21 Isa 7:7 Isa 8:10 Isa 14:24 Isa 28:18 Jer 44:28 Jer 44:29
- Definition--- (differs from Hebrew word found in Psa 1:1 ) to arise to stand up! The physical action of rising up or the resultant end of that action. Mounce states that this Hebrew word is often used with reference to military battle and in this verse it is used to signify "to survive or continue". (see cross references above) I have also noticed that when used as "to survive or continue", it most often refers to God allowing something to continue or not.
The judgement:
- E Sword concordance search----- Exo 28:15 Exo 28:29 Exo 28:30 Lev 19:15 Jos 20:6 Psa 7:6 Psa 9:7 Psa 9:16 Psa 76:9 Psa 94:15 Isa 5:16 Isa 54:17 Isa 66:16 Jer 25:31 Dan 7:26 Mat 10:15 Joh 5:22 Joh 5:30 Joh 8:16 Rom 2:2 Rom 2:3 2Co 5:10 Heb 6:2 Heb 10:27 1Pe 4:17 2Pe 2:9 1Jn 4:17 Jud 1:15
- Definition---- a judgment or legal decision.
- See notes to Psa 1:1
- E Sword concordance search----- Gen 6:9 Gen 7:1 Gen 18:23-28 Deu 4:8 Psa 5:12 Psa 7:11 Psa 34:15 Psa 34:19 Psa 37:29 Pro 12:26 Isa 3:10 Jer 33:15 Mat 13:43 Mat 13:49 Gal 3:11 Jas 5:16 1Jn 3:7
- Defininition----- an adjective meaning just. Someone is considered to be righteous because of conformity to a given standard. In this verse (and often in the Bible) the righteous one is the one who is conforming to God's standard.
the way:
- See notes to Psa_1:1
Other cross references
- Ecc 3:17 Psa 146:8 Psa 37:3-5 Mat 7:14 Dan 12:13 Job 23:10 Nah 1:7 Joh 10:14 Joh 10:27 Rev 2:2 Rom 8:29 Isa 26:7 Psa 145:20
Answers to my questions above.:
- The Lord knowing the way of the righteous (most likely) means that since the blessed man meditates on God's law day and night (and that means having accepted His Son Jesus Christ as our Savior!) then God acknowledges that person. The wicked perish because they have not acknowledged God's will so He does not acknowledge them and they are then separated at the judgment. I am interpreting a bit based on prior study.
- These two verses conclude the poem. The wicked will not stand nor will they be allowed to congregate with the righteous. (remember from Psa 1:4 that the wicked have been driven away like chaff!) The Lord knows (watches over) the way (path) of the righteous (those who conform to His will which as described here is to meditate on His law day and night--this is a large subject). The wicked will perish, the poem makes no mention of the righteous ending! For they (the blessed or righteous) will prosper. ( Psa 1:3 )
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