The overview of Matthew 5:2-12 can be found here, while an important word study on the term blessed can be found here. The verse overviews of Matthew 5:2-7 can be found here, here, here. here, here, and here
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Matthew 5:8
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."
(Matthew 5:8)
Grammatical Considerations
Cause and effect: Effect is that those who are pure in heart will be blessed! The cause is that "they shall see God."
ARE and FOR:
As in all the previous Beatitudes, Jesus makes it clear that what He is NOT stating probabilities. What He is stating are truths and they will occur given the
circumstances He sets forth.
Important Terms
All definitions were culled from the Complete Word Study Dictionary from AMG Publisher, Vine's Expository Dictionary and/or Mounce's Complete Expository Dictionary.
- see word study at this link.
- ESword Concordance Search--- 1Ti 1:5 2Ti 2:22 Psa 24:4 Psa 73:1 Psa 73:13 Pro 20:9 Psa 51:10 Heb 10:22 Mar 7:17-19 Php 1:17 Php 4:8 Tit 1:15 1Jn 3:3 Joh 13:10 Joh 15:3 Psa 24:3-5 Psa 119:9-12
- Definition--- Clean in a spiritual sense from the pollution and guilt of sin. (can also mean sincere)
- Mounce further clarifies this as being morally free of guilt. Morally clean.
- ESword Concordance Search--- Mat 6:21 Mat 15:8 Mat 18:35 Mat 22:37
Mar 11:23 Mar 12:30 Luk 8:12-15 Rom 10:9-10 Col 3:12 Eph 6:5 Heb 10:22 1Pe 3:4 - (also see above search for pure)
- Definition--- seat of desires, feelings affections, passions and impulses. (pure in heart=those whose center of life has been made pure by Jesus Christ!)
see (God):
- ESword Concordance Search--- Mar 9:1 Luk 3:6 Joh 3:3 Joh 11:40 Isa 35:2 Rev 22:4
- Definition--- to see. Also not just the mere act of seeing but also actual PERCEPTION. (differing from the Greek work blepo which just means to see. The Greek word in our current text (horao) includes perception, understanding. Can also mean to have personal acquaintance and fellowship with.
To be pure is to be morally free of sin or guilt. The heart is often used as a metaphor as the seat of our passions, desires. So the pure in heart are morally free of guilt and also have only the purest of passions and desires. This would mean that they are focused on God's will and wants. (ie: the meek as that word is used in Matthew 5:5) To see God CAN mean to see and to perceive (understand) and be in fellowship with. I think those are all pretty self-explanatory.
will the pure in heart see (understand, perceive, have fellowship with)
God? Because to become pure in heart (free from moral guilt) one must
become righteous! The only way to become pure and righteous is through
Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And this creates a right relationship
with God.
Jesus Himself tells assures this Joh 16:26-27!!
Jesus Himself tells assures this Joh 16:26-27!!
Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by
permission. All rights reserved.